Emily Stapleton
Reviews and Publications
Sublime Spaces
Exhibition at Wellington College V&A, 2014
Sublime Spaces is an exhibition of works by three artists, two of whom are teachers in Wellington’s Art School. Each artist displays a personal approach to painting and an individual response to the Sublime.
Emily Cooper paints large and impactful landscape scenes influenced by the sky, the weather and the land. The scenes explore how untamed nature can mimic the extreme emotional states of man and how our lives are synonymous with the exposed landscape: bare, brutal and bruised. Rooted within the terms of Romanticism, they attempt to capture the Sublime experiences of untamed nature and its overpowering qualities on man. The focus of the painting is the horizon which suggests infinity and creates a space where one part is part of the other. The works simplicity opens it up to an environment for the viewer to impose their own experience.

British Women Artists Competition
Mila Askarova, 2011
A pure, fragile and ethereal landscape allows the viewer to embrace and embark on a
journey through memory and time.
Read more... www.britishwomenartist.com
A State of Mind...
look-likelove.blogspot.com, 27/06/2011
We were really in awe of the sheer scale of these almost photographic representations.
Read more... look-likelove.blogspot.com